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Working Principle

Plate heat exchangers basically consist of two inlet ports, ducted heat transfer plates and two outlet ports. Two of these inlet and outlet ports are the inlet and outlet of the heating fluid and the other two are the fluid to be heated. It is also possible to produce special heat exchangers with more than one heater fluid or more than one fluid to be heated. In this case number of inlets and outlets will vary.

The function of the plates in the heat exchanger is to provide heat transfer from the heating fluid to the fluid to be heated without mixing the fluids together. The ducted structure of these plates allows the fluid to move with high turbulence. This turbulence causes a more homogeneous heat distribution of the fluid, which provides a more efficient heat conduction.

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Contents of Professional Service Package:

  • Plate supply for every brand and model.
  • Gasket supply for every brand and model.
  • Revision and cleaning of plate heat exchanger.
  • Fast and detailed cleaning of heat exchanger plates.
  • Cleaning heat exchanger plates with special chemicals.
  • Production and supply of every type of nut and pin.
  • Delivery of heat exchanger operating like it is new.
  • 7 days 24 hours service opportunity.

Quality And Dependability That You Deserve!