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HEAT STATIONS - "Engineering Approaches, Integrated Solutions"

It is possible to create package systems nearly in all areas of heating - cooling industry.

We have several models including;waste heat recovery package systems for textile factories,automatic adjustable package system for pools,user-defined and systems for residental heating.

Touchscreens are available for MIT heating systems if request, you can visually see the progress on screen, get Daily or weekly periodic reports, calculate and get a receipt.

Heat Stations


Accumulation Tanks are used with plate heat exchangers to get utility water in community life areas such as, buildings, hotels, dorms and public administration.

In that kind of places, the utility hot water demand reachest its highest value in certain times of the day. In other words, the demand picks. On the other hand, it stays under the average required flow in the other times of the day. That is why, all taps are considered as open at the same time and so the accumulation tank is needed in the circuit.


Apartment, Single Houses, Hospitals, Dorms, Sport Centers, Factories, Public Buildings, shortly in every place where hot water is required, accumulation tanks are used.

Accumulation Tanks are avaliable from 100 lt to 10.000 lt and in different capacities

Standard accessories in material delivery:

Anode bar, Temperature indicator (thermometer)

Accessories that can be included upon customer's demand:

If required, safety valve can be assembled to tanks. Also, accumulation tanks in capacity of 500 liters or more are manufactured with electrical panelboard, if required.

Note: "We have horizontal and vertical models."




  • What Is Heat Exchanger?

    Heat exchangers is basically a tool that transfer heat from one fluid to another.
  • What Is Plate Heat Exchanger?

    MIT Plate heat exchangers are equipment where two different fluids are separated from each other with plates that allow heat transfer between these fluids.
  • What Is Brazed Heat Exchanger?

    Brazed Heat Exchangers are used as evaporators in cooling units, as heaters for heating applications and in specific applications.

Quality And Dependability That You Deserve!

As Ekin Industrial, we aim to provide the highest quality and fastest service to our consumers with the mobile service network we have created within our own structure, which has an understanding that aims at "customer satisfaction".

EKIN INDUSTRIAL service is provided by specially trained EKIN INDUSTRIALpersonnel throughout the dormitory.