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Area Of Usage HVAC

MIT, one of the most known and preferred brands of Turkey, has been continuing creating new ideas and developments to improve plate heat exchanger sector.

Obtaining Warm Utility Water:
In residences and industry utilities, water is essential for comfort. With the help of MIT Plate Heat Exchangers, your utility water can be produced either centrally or individually. This new system is more hygenic, more efficient, long lasting, more economical and more compact. With this new system, when calcification or deformation due to over chlorine occurs, your system can reach its old performance with small revisions instead of replacing the system completely.

Local Heating:
Using hot water coming from local heating centers, jeothermal sources and electricity production centers, a region, a town, even a city can be heated. According to the type of source, the design of MIT Plate Heat Exchangers varies as well. The region can be divided into seperate zones with the help of MIT Plate Heat Exchangers. MIT Plate Heat Exchangers make it possible to provide hot water in desired degrees for different requirements of buildings.

Floor Heating Systems:
Nowadays, in some regions where more heating comfort is desired, floor heating systems are used. In these systems, to prevent heating source from corrosion ,MIT Heat Exchangers serve a protecting wall between heaters and heated sources. With their high corrosion resistance, complete stainless structure and special design, MIT Plate Heat Exchangers ensure that you will be able to use your system without any problems.

Pressure Breaker:
There is high pressure in multi floor and high buildings. Transferring this pressure directly to heating-cooling system which is placed in the bottom, deforms the systems. Moreover, investment costs will be so high because, it is a must to set up the system with armatures that are resistant to high pressure. In these kind of systems, MIT Plate Heat Exchangers, which are placed between boiler room or cooling group and subsystem, absorb the pressure and also enable boiler-cooling system to work in low pressure.

Pool Heating:
All pools must be kept in certain temperature levels, no matter what if it is a swimming pool or a health pool. To keep pools in certain temperature levels, MIT Plate Heat Exchangers are used with the help of a simple automation. By means of its compact structure, MIT Plate Heat Exchangers occupy really small place and enable to keep your pool stable in certain temperature level.

Central Heating Systems:
As a part of new laws in our country, central systems are encouraged and it has been becoming mandatory in some situations. The main cause of this is that central system is more efficent compared to individual use and consumes less energy. MIT Plate Heat Exchangers enable to produce hot water to heat residental areas and at the same time to produce hot utility water.

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Contents of Professional Service Package:

  • Plate supply for every brand and model.
  • Gasket supply for every brand and model.
  • Revision and cleaning of plate heat exchanger.
  • Fast and detailed cleaning of heat exchanger plates.
  • Cleaning heat exchanger plates with special chemicals.
  • Production and supply of every type of nut and pin.
  • Delivery of heat exchanger operating like it is new.
  • 7 days 24 hours service opportunity.

Quality And Dependability That You Deserve!