CIP Systems
CIP (Clean in Place) systems clean the production lines in the food industry in order to maintain a clean and hygienic production operation.
The CIP units can perform the pre / post line cleaning (sanitation) on site. They are commonly used in the production of soft drinks, carbonated drinks, and convenience foods production in addition to the dairy industry.
The main feature of all CIP models is that they provide in-system circulation of water and washing chemicals. These fully automatic systems have a conductivity meter device in order to save on chemicals. Chemicals are recovered with chemical solution tanks that are part of the system.
CIP systems can be designed in different capacities and features according to the operation. Some options include capacity range of 7,000 l/h to 50,000 l/h, multiple chemical use, thermal sanitation, and chemical disinfection.
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Contents of Professional Service Package:
- Plate supply for every brand and model.
- Gasket supply for every brand and model.
- Revision and cleaning of plate heat exchanger.
- Fast and detailed cleaning of heat exchanger plates.
- Cleaning heat exchanger plates with special chemicals.
- Production and supply of every type of nut and pin.
- Delivery of heat exchanger operating like it is new.
- 7 days 24 hours service opportunity.