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MIT Membrane Series

Technical Details of Membranes

  • The membranes, which are used in our tanks, are manufactured from EPDM and BUTYL rubber materials.
  • EPDM membranes are used in our expansion tanks which is from 8 Lt to 4000 Lt.
  • BUTYL Membrane is used in our 5000 Lt and over capacity expansion tanks.
  • EPDM Membrane is resistant to +10 / +110 °C.
  • BUTYL Membrane is sliding up to +10 / +130 °C.
  • The membranes used in our expansion tanks can be used in all drinking water.
Expansion Tanks

Expansion Tanks
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Contents of Professional Service Package:

  • Plate supply for every brand and model.
  • Gasket supply for every brand and model.
  • Revision and cleaning of plate heat exchanger.
  • Fast and detailed cleaning of heat exchanger plates.
  • Cleaning heat exchanger plates with special chemicals.
  • Production and supply of every type of nut and pin.
  • Delivery of heat exchanger operating like it is new.
  • 7 days 24 hours service opportunity.

Quality And Dependability That You Deserve!