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Other Package Systems

It is possible to create package systems nearly in all areas of heating –cooling industry.

Other Package Systems

We have several models including;waste heat recovery package systems for textile factories,automatic adjustable package system for pools,user-defined and systems for residental heating.
Touchscreens are available for MIT heating systems if request, you can visually see the progress on screen, get Daily or weekly periodic reports, calculate and get a receipt. MIT heating systems always offer the most convenient way and %100 customer satisfaction with reasonable prices. You can select your own system from the table below and contact us.

If you have a special request which is not listed, you can call us anytime.

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Contents of Professional Service Package:

  • Plate supply for every brand and model.
  • Gasket supply for every brand and model.
  • Revision and cleaning of plate heat exchanger.
  • Fast and detailed cleaning of heat exchanger plates.
  • Cleaning heat exchanger plates with special chemicals.
  • Production and supply of every type of nut and pin.
  • Delivery of heat exchanger operating like it is new.
  • 7 days 24 hours service opportunity.