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Internal Eccentric - GEAR PUMPS

Working Principle

Internally eccentric gear pumps are positive displacement and consist of two moving parts. While the ring gear connected to the pump shaft rotates, it also transmits motion to the idler gear and the idler gear rotates as well. During this rotation, the idler gear and the ring gear are separated from each other by means of a crescent and a vacuum is formed. Owing to the vacuum formed, the pump draws a certain amount of liquid into it. The liquid drawn into the pump moves towards the discharge nozzle in the thread cavities. In the discharge nozzle, the idler gear and the ring gear are intertwined to create pressure and allow the liquid to be discharged. Pump; Each time the pump shaft rotates, it transfers fluid as much as its volume. Therefore, the capacity of the pump is directly proportional to its size and RPM. The working principle of internal eccentric gear pumps is shown schematically below.

Internal Eccentric - GEAR PUMPS
Internal Eccentric - GEAR PUMPS

Internal eccentric gear pumps are gathered in two main groups, console and non-console. The console provides the opportunity to convert the inlet and outlet ports of the pumps into eight different positions (45º interval) in terms of ease of assembly, and because the pump shaft bearing is more rigid, the pumps are able to operate for a longer life in heavier conditions.

Internal Eccentric - GEAR PUMPS
Internal Eccentric Gear Pump Capacity Table
Internal Eccentric - GEAR PUMPS
Pump Connection Types
Internal Eccentric - GEAR PUMPS
Heating Jackets
Internal Eccentric - GEAR PUMPS
Internal Eccentric - GEAR PUMPS
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