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Social Responsibility

For EKiN Industrial, "Corporate Social Responsibility" is not a requirement.

Social Responsibility

This is the behaviour that we internalize with our employees and all of our departments, that is not a obligation , that is responsibility.

With this approach ,we create an awareness about the future of our country and world. We strive to bring this awereness to the wider environment as possible.
With our "Corporate Social Responsibility understanding, we support education,health and enviromental issues with a great interest. We're working diligently to fullfill our responsibilities to our employees and their families,our customers,our dealers,universities,social organizations and other stakeholders.

Our sensitivity about the enviroment, continues as a part of social activity ,alongside production. Beside the projects that we have accomplished, we contribute to growth of enviromentally friendly genereation and in order to light the way for future generations,we support the projects created by students, with all our strenght.

As EKiN Industrial, within the context of social responsibility , we have given numerous support to local and cultural projects so far.In addition, we take priority evalution for the demands and needs of projects which are from our region.

In the field of education , we have supported so many projects so far. We keep supporting the projects that we work with students from prestigious universities from Turkey about innovation,renewable energy and R&D work,according to sufficiency and importance of the projects.

In the field of health , we cooperate with major civil society organizations. We organize seminars to inform our employees about the topics like,harm of smoking,voluntary blood donation...etc. At every oppurtinity, we wholeheartly support projects in the field of health.

As EKiN Industrial , all areas that we contribute, we take our steps with a vision to be the leader and example of the community. We're moving to invest to economy of our country and contribute to employment. We're also very careful about producing lasting benefits of the projects and we support to create sustainable impact on our corporate social responsibility activities.

Using all kinds of resources that nature offers us,we also show respect to humanity,new generations and ourselves.Recycling is also really important for our company.
For all these reasons, as EKiN Industrial , we use our oppurtinies more wisely and we try to use recycling most efficiently as possible.

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Contents of Professional Service Package:

  • Plate supply for every brand and model.
  • Gasket supply for every brand and model.
  • Revision and cleaning of plate heat exchanger.
  • Fast and detailed cleaning of heat exchanger plates.
  • Cleaning heat exchanger plates with special chemicals.
  • Production and supply of every type of nut and pin.
  • Delivery of heat exchanger operating like it is new.
  • 7 days 24 hours service opportunity.

Quality And Dependability That You Deserve!