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Application Area

You can find below products application area of EKiN Industrial which is in service on heating-cooling industry with %100 local manufacture;


EKiN Industrial with MIT product group  manufactures products  regarding to food standarts and hygiene conditions.Hygiene is really important for milk and dairy products thus used MIT products are produced considering this issue.


  • Heating before vacuum
  • Raw milk cooling
  • Heating after vacuum
  • Kashar milk heating
  • Cheese milk cooling
  • Crema cooling
  • Whey
  • Brine heating
  • Brine cooling
  • Mixed ice cream cooling
  • CIP plate heat exchanger



 Fizzy Drinks

  • Fluids which contains  CO2 cooling
  • Soke syrup cooling
  • Liquid sugar pasteuirazation
  • Liquid sugar cooling
  • Heating and cooling process water
  • Filling unit cooling


Alcoholic Drinks

  • Fluids which contains  CO2 cooling
  • Wine cooling
  • Process preparing cooling and heating
  • Wine cooling with ethylene glycol
  • Maybe product pasteurization
  • Evaporation operations

3. Renewable Oil Industry

  • Vegetable oil heating and cooling
  • Neutralization unit heating
  • Crystallization unit  heating
  • Evaporation operations
  • Process water heating and cooling

4. Juice Industry

  • Juice cooling and heating which contains filament and pulp
  • Juice pasteurization
  • Pre-cooling and heating operations
  • Filling unit cooling
  • Evaporation operations

5. Beer and yeast industry

  • Beer pasteurization
  • Wort cooling
  • Process water cooling and heating
  • Beer yeast cooling
  • Fermantation unit heating and cooling


 6. Tomata sauce,sauce and canned food industry

  • Pasteurization unit pre-heating and cooling
  • Process water heating and cooling
  • Tomata sauce heating
  • Oil cooling for mayonnaise production
  • Brine heating and cooling

7. Sugar and amylum industry

  • Syrup cooling-heating
  • Melas cooling- heating
  • Extraction water heating- cooling
  • Carbonation process heating-cooling
  • Crystallization unit  heating
  • Heating before clarification
  • Process water heating-cooling
  • Amylum milk heating process
  • Evaporation



EKiN Industrial MIT product group are the  most used label for pool water heating process,solar energy systems, geothermal companies and highrises.MIT heat transfer group have high efficiency heat transfer and solid products therefore MIT products are the most chosen label on HVAC industry.





In order to occur high temperatures during the production steps ,cooling needs comes up in this sector too. MIT plate heat exchangers are the best solution to resolve this  lack. MIT heat exchangers are used for cooling cupola furnaces, cooling oil for hydrolic systems,recovering the heat,cooling the electrical power panels of blast furnaces,cooling the ambient air,metal surface operations like electrolyse and anodized coating and cooling oven and electrical units...


MIT heat transfer group is the irreplaceable ones in the automotive sector.MIT brand heat exchangers which contribute the world market ,are the most preferred brand in the automotive sector.

Heating-cooling applications of surface and painting processes

-   Cooling the hydrolic devices of press machines

-   Cooling the electronic devices of machines

-   used in heat recovery applications.



 Plate heat exchangers; Gas turbines, steam turbines, hydroelectric plants, wind farms in many sectors of energy production such as have have wide range of applications. MIT brand of plate heat exchanger have international standarts with innovative design and R & D programs designed industry leading brand in the energy sector.

The cooling of the fuel tank, the cooling of coolant oil, the cooling of the reactor jacket water, in heat recovery, produced steam in power plants, in order to use the heat, fluids and such as hot water used to heat the use of water in other environmental areas.



MIT heat transfer product group in the maritime sector is one of the most effective and long lasting solution.

Sea water central cooling, the main engine oil cooling, generator oil cooling, glass shaft cooling, fuel oil heating, water distillation cooling applications with the enabling efficient heat transfer appropriate plate and gasket technology  delivers effective solutions.



In the textile industry, especially dyeing, bleaching, the curing and pressure process afterwards the temperature of the waste water  is an important energy source.

MIT Brand Plate Heat Exchangers with many textile companies are using today released heat of the waste water; Fuel consumption, thermal pollution of the blocking, the capacity of businesses with Shortened Dyeing time, increases efficiency, reduces the cost of painting the operating costs to a minimum.

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Contents of Professional Service Package:

  • Plate supply for every brand and model.
  • Gasket supply for every brand and model.
  • Revision and cleaning of plate heat exchanger.
  • Fast and detailed cleaning of heat exchanger plates.
  • Cleaning heat exchanger plates with special chemicals.
  • Production and supply of every type of nut and pin.
  • Delivery of heat exchanger operating like it is new.
  • 7 days 24 hours service opportunity.

Quality And Dependability That You Deserve!